Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday - {My Husband}

I'm thankful:
He is a faithful husband. I can trust him. The years we’ve invested in your marriage thus far have not been in vain. He is always loving. He is selfless. No matter how hard his day has been, he still asks me how my day was. He is silly. He respects me. He respects us. He respects himself. He is humble. He loves & adores our children. After almost 6 years he still tells me he loves me everyday. He helps me do the laundry & dishes. We laugh together. He changes diapers, even if they are poopy. He loves being a Marine. He likes me. He isn't rude. He tells me he is proud of me. He leaves me love notes. He loves to make me happy. He is crazy about me. He isn't ashamed of himself. He lets me love him. He trusts me. He tells me I'm gorgeous. He wants me stay home with our kiddos. He never complains when money is tight. He supports me. He is strong. He believes in my dreams & aspirations. He can make me smile when I want to cry. He puts up with me when I'm moody. He gave me 2 gorgeous children. He is my best friend. He has such a big heart. He encourages my creativity. He works out with me. He watches chick-flicks with me. When I was over weight he still loved me the same. He is devoted to our family. He loves the Lord. He has such honorable character. He buys me Starbucks. He isn't perfect. He prays for our children. He asks for my opinion before making a decision. Our son has such a wonderful man to look up to. He wants to be healthy along with me. He loves to buy me diamonds. He apologizes. He loves Chipotle as much as I do. He isn't lazy. He is a proud. He has come home safely from 2 deployments. He holds me when I cry. He loves tattoos. He listens to my fears. He doesn't criticize me. He provides more than we could ever need or want. He can sing. He kisses our children. I don't have to ask if it's okay to buy clothes. We don't go to bed upset or angry. He opens my doors. He knows how to cook. He likes to hold my hand. We have the same beliefs & morals. He is laid back. For his sacrifices. He has such dedication to his Country & Corps. He prays for me. He loves me. He cooks our Thanksgiving turkey. We have a great marriage. He is so thoughtful. He asked me to marry him. For our journey together.
Just to name a few of the things about him I'm thankful for.
I love you Paul, you really are my one & only!

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
~I Corinthians 13:4-8~

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